[Insert pretentious spiritual quote here]
How I may be able to help
Here are some of the ways in which I offer meditation tuition and support.
Please get in touch for more information.
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£49 p/h, £245 for 6 sessions
One on one Meditation tuition catered for you. Typically 1 hour online sessions with personalised guided meditations. Suitable for all levels.
8 Week MBLC
8 Week Mindfulness Based Living Course designed by the Mindfulness Association. Suitable for beginners and those who might want to refresh their practice.
Your Business or Institution
A course designed specifically for your organisation's needs. Typically these can be 1 or 2 day 'retreats' or recurring weekly sessions.
What is it and why bother?
Mindfulness is a form of meditation in which you practise placing your attention on your present-moment experience. We do this non-judgementally and with an attitude of kindness and acceptance.
We spend so much of our lives lost in thought, often forgetting where we are and what we're doing. This wouldn't be much of an issue if it wasn't for the content of these thoughts. We can often find ourselves worrying about the past, anxiously anticipating the future, or conceptualising the present beyond reason.
Mindfulness helps us release the bonds of this obsessive thinking and brings us closer to the truth of what is happening moment by moment.
Mindfulness has not only hugely helped my creative practice, but it has also offered so much to me in my daily life.
I love teaching meditation, and I hope that it can be of some use to you too.
To read more about my approach to meditation and its links to creativity, check out my blog here.
My Secular Mindfulness Qualifications
I strive to teach meditation in an informal, down to earth way, with humour and humility.
I am a qualified mindfulness practitioner, authorised to teach mindfulness by the Mindfulness Association; having completed their Mindfulness, Compassion, Insight, and 2-year teacher training pathway. My teaching adheres to all aspects of the UK Good Practice Guidelines and I hold a Postgraduate Degree in the Studies of Mindfulness from the University of Aberdeen.
I have taught meditation extensively for private groups, businesses, and educational institutions in both the UK and abroad.
I spend at least two weeks annually in silent meditation retreat.
Guided Meditations
A selection of free guided meditations by yours truly.
More coming soon...